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140 results:
21.Who can help me in case of a problem? 
Find the steps to follow to settle your dispute and useful contact details in case of problem during the 2024 Paralympic Games. 
22.Travel by ship or ferry 
If you're traveling by ferry to France for the 2024 Paralympics, find out all about your rights. 
23.Visa to come to France 
For your stay in France during the 2024 Paralympic Games, in certain cases you will need to apply for a visa to travel to and stay in France. Make sure you have all the necessary documents for your… 
24.Advice for booking a flight 
Hidden charges, taxes, unwanted insurance: several fare supplements can increase the ticket price purchased with an airline, an agency, or a reservation platform. Follow our advice to avoid… 
25.Camping in France 
Would you like to book a campsite? There are a number of things you need to pay attention to before, during and after signing the contract. Find our tips. 
26.Phone, Internet and TV streaming 
Can I use my cell phone in France? What should you look out for if you buy a French SIM card? Can I use my TV streaming service during my stay?  
27.Restaurant and meal delivery 
How to know the origin of the products in the restaurant in France ? Is a tip obligatory in France? Do you have to pay for a glass of water?  
28.Health care 
If you need to be treated during your stay in France, find in this article all the information on buying and transporting medication, recognition of foreign prescriptions and emergency numbers. 
29.Package travel to France 
For your stay in France, you want to opt for a package travel. Learn more about the consumer protection rules which apply. 
30.2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games 
2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games Looking to buy tickets to attend an Olympic and Paralympic Games event in France? Wondering where to stay during the events? Find in this section all the… 
Search results 21 until 30 of 140

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