The ECC France is regularly publishing reports and studies on consumer issues, in order to encourage consumer to profit from the European Single Market, but also to raise the awareness of problems they occur when shopping abroad.
Furthermore, the ECC France is working together with other European Consumer Centres in order to analyse consumer issues in Europe, based on the complaints we handle in the national centres. Every year, we collaborate to analyse the state of play for the most popular or problematic consumer topics and publish our findings in consumer reports. Here you find some publications.
Car-Pass or how to be sure of a vehicle's mileage
To significantly increase the vehicle’s value, certain used car vendors will not hesitate to decrease the mileage shown on the odometer with the help of tools easily purchased on the internet.
Passenger mobility package
On November 29th, 2023, the European Commission unveiled a "passenger mobility package". This study issues recommendations from the ECC-Net to help enhance traveller rights and provide improved information for passengers.
Short-term accommodation rental services
Position paper of the European Consumer Centre on the Commission's proposal aiming at regulating short-term accommodation rental services. The proposal should enhance consumer trust and support sustainable growth in the EU's tourism industry.
Sustainable Online Shopping in Europe
This guide provides tips on how to find eco-friendly products online, limit the impact of their delivery, avoid order returns, and how to repair and recycle your products in order to support the environment
Geoblocking position paper
Regulation (EU) 2018/302 addresses unjustified online sales discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the Internal market.
Alternativ Dispute Resolution in the Air Passenger Rights sector
This study highlights the ADR entities available in the APR sector all over the European Union, Iceland and Norway, compares practices and provides suggestions to improve the system and to better coordinate ADR with other stakeholders: National Enforcement Bodies (NEB), ECC-Net, European institutions, airlines and business from the travel sector and, of course, consumers.
Commercial warranties: Are they worth the money?
The main objective of this report was to compare the legal guarantee and commercial warranty schemes in the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway and to analyse whether commercial warranties really keep their promises and are worth the additional cost.
Air passenger rights: why the revision of Regulation 261/2004 is urgent?
Despite their efforts, the ECCs note that it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain the amicable application of air passenger rights stemming from Regulation 261/2004 and the case law of the CJEU. They issue recommendations that demonstrate once again the urgency to revise the European regulation.
Rail passenger's rights: Position Paper on the Proposal for the revision of the Regulation No. 1371/2007
With their strong background in handling transport-related disputes, the European Consumer Centres France and Germany are publishing a position paper which takes stock of the application of Regulation 1371/2007 in a cross-border context but also proposes recommendations.
The impact of counterfeiting
In this report, the consumer is informed about the risks of buying counterfeit products online, whether intentionally or not, and will focus on counterfeit products.
Cross border car purchases and registration
This joint project aims to provide in-depth insight into all information necessary for drafting a practical guide to cross-border car purchases by collecting practical and preventive information for consumers.
Winter tires within Europe, in Iceland and Norway
In some European countries winter tires are mandatory for cars. In others they are not mandatory or only under special conditions. Therefore, it should be helpful, before going on holidays, to have a closer look at the corresponding regulations.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.